Thursday, 22 December 2011

Presentation Day (A thank You note)

Glitter Text

Wednesday the 26th of Muharram, 1433 (21-12-2011) was the appointed day for my students (G7) to present their presentations and for me to sit in the audience seat and evaluate their work.

I didn't really expect what was waiting for me on that day. 
My students surpassed my expectations in many ways:
1- Their language proficiency has improved in a clear noticeable day.

2- Their confidence as they stood and present their topics in English was admirable. 

3-I was happy to see that they have followed my instructions and tried their best to apply all the points in the presentation checklist , which I gave them.

4- I was so thrilled to see the shining wonderful sparks of their creativity and enthusiasm. 

5-It was clear to me that they have put so much effort and time into their work.

6-Their generosity was overwhelming as they distributed stuff , brochures, cupcakes, food, souvenirs , flowers, and so many things that are related one way or another to the topic of their presentations. 

7- Their cheerful attitude and respect towards this whole project was something to be happy about.

For all these reasons and more, I'd like to heartily thank my students Group 7 and wish them the very best as they walk their road and harvest the success of their hard work.

Here are photos of some of the things that have been used or given during the presentation day ;)

Thank you ,
Your Teacher
Nisreen Y

Monday, 19 December 2011

Free Online English Grammar Test

VEC English Grammar Test

Shared by:

Bayan Fatani
(G7-1st Term 1432)

Thank you :)

You are one from 7 billion people

You are one from 7 billion people and you can know your approximate number
See this video

and your approximate number

Shared by: 

Dua'a Ageel 
(G7-1st Term-1432)

some interesting wise sayings

 everybody makes mistakes that's why they put erasers on pencils
 after black clouds , clear weather
 Quality education is the best investment for your future
 don't let the past hold you back you're missing the good stuff

Shared by:
Zhara Al-Khwaher
(G7-1st term 1432)

An Amazing word!

There is a common word in English language made up of nine letters and each time when we omit one of its letters it give us new word but in the different meaning 
the word is : startling 

Shared by:
Shatha Abed -(G7-1st term 1432)...thank you 

Literal translation from Arabic to English -Hilarious!

كلمات انجليزية مضحكة مترجمة بالعربي

Turn your face ==============> (اقلب وجهـك ) 
you are empty ==============> ( انت فاضي) 

you don not have a story =====> ( ما عندك سالفة)

pick up your face but ========> (لقـّط وجـهـك بـس ) 

Over my window ===========> (فوق طاقتي) 

It comes over you ==========> ( مالت عليك)

Find your quarter ===========> ( دوٌر ربعك) 

Stand up just stand up ======> (قـــم بـــس قـــم )

On ceramic ==============> ( على بلاطة) 

Sensitive ================> ( حساس) 

Shenshitive ==============> (حشاش على وزن حساس) 

A lot of this ===============> ( كثر منها ) 

You broke my mind ========> ( كــســـرت خاطري ) 
You have no cause =======> ( مالك داعـي )

You don't have what my grandmother has> ( ما عندك ماعند جدتـي ) 

I took a parking from you ====> ( أخذت منك موقف )

Oh man walk your adverb ===> (يا رجال مشـّـي حالـك )


^_^ ^_^

Shared by:

Bushra Al-Shehri (G7-1st Term-1432)


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