Tuesday, 31 January 2012

The Don't Quit Poem

A very motivational and inspirational poem that can touch one's soul. 
It's a famous poem that I hope you'd enjoy. 

And here is the site of the poem:


Monday, 30 January 2012

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Sunday, 22 January 2012

A promising new YouTube show (Fallimha)

An interesting way to improve your English. I wish him best of luck with this new YouTube show..
It promises to be a good beneficial one. 

Thank you dear Bayan for sharing it ;)

Saturday, 14 January 2012

The creativity & the joy of our last class

Our last class
My Last Class with group 7 (1st term-1432/33) 

Amazing how a whole semester went by so quickly!

Teaching group 7 this term was a pleasure. It was delightful and refreshing to wake up in the morning and meet these young, smart, hardworking and cheerful ladies of group 7. I loved their enthusiasm , interest and lovely spirits. 

On Sunday (30 / 1/ 1433 AH -25/12/2011), I met them for our last class and we had so many things to do on that day. We listed the "things to do" on the board and started finishing them up one at the time. We ended up the day with a wonderful creative activity that brought such smiles and sunshine to the room. 
Here are some photos of the creative pieces they produced by the end of the activity ;)


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