Wednesday, 16 May 2012

In love with words

Those who are in love with words might relate to this piece and enjoy it ;)

Starving for words!?
and their magical rewards...

Starving for moments 
with hushed tone!!

Do you really wait 
for the next utterances date?
praying night and day 
that they won't go astray!
and lose their path!
causing your wrath!?

No retreat 
is permitted
for thoughts 
have to be committed
& submitted
and again
to this excruciating 
process of pleasure and pain!

Words are haughty 
and quite naughty 
You can never drag them hither
and bind them forever!

They like to dwell 
within their own cell
At times they compel 
you to wait
at their very gate!
and if you are lucky 
you might catch a glance
of a word or two 
and have the romance
of dancing with words
so true ;)

Sat: 21-6-1433

 All Rights are reserved @Nisreen 

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Study smart

It's almost exam times ..
Here are few helpful tips for studying ;)


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