Saturday, 29 December 2012

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Animal idioms song

A cute interesting song that teaches some common animal idioms ...enjoy ;)

idioms - a slideshow of some of the common idioms

Here is a slideshow of some common idioms (round 10) with illustrations and examples. I used this in my class and I hope students will benefit from it, start using it and look at it as a nice way to express themselves ;)

~Reading~ Poem

~*~ Reading ~*~

When you read, words plant a seed
And slowly day by day
Flowers of thoughts grow within,
never fading away
But come to stay, to say
That you are no longer the same
Though still called by your old name
They sweep you by
You resist them or at least try.
But books bind you down
Becoming your crown
& you find yourself walking around
remembering images ,
recalling unheard sounds
singing songs that you read
It’s all in your head!
But a book can be a daily bread
From which your mind and thoughts are fed!
So feed them well
And wisely choose their realm to dwell!
  Sun\Mon: 23-24\2\1431   -  7-8 \Feb\2010
All Rights reserved @Nisreen

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Idiom of the month: When things are easy ;)

1-"Easy as ABC"
An idiom which means Something that is as easy as ABC is very easy or simple.

2- "It's a piece of cake"

Something easy to do. 
No problem. When you know what you're doing, it's a piece of cake. 
Glad to help. It was a piece of cake.
Rescuing frightened cats is my specialty. Piece of cake!
source: {}

3- "Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy"

slang phrase (from an old British detergent commercial) used to express that something was quickly and easily done.
source: {}


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