Friday, 8 November 2013

Paragraph Punch -Helpful to improve your writing

Here is a website that I stumbled upon by chance and thought I must share it with you and keep it here for future reference.

Give it a try ;)

Paragraph Punch 

It will improve your writing as it takes you through the process of writing paragraphs step by step.

"Paragraph Punch takes users through the process of writing a basic paragraph. From pre-set writing prompts users develop an idea and write their own topic sentence, body, and a conclusion.
The site provides online interactive exercises that guide users step by step through pre-writing, writing, organizing, editing, rewriting, and publishing."

Monday, 28 October 2013

Sunday, 27 October 2013

The Meaning of Life (A powerful Video)

A powerful video that I wanted to share with you all and keep here for future reference ;)

And here it is with subtitles, in case you need that ;)


Saturday, 1 June 2013

Hidden Talents ;)

This post is mainly to share with you some of the most beautiful projects that I received as part of my poetry courses this last semester (2nd/ 1434- 2013). It made me discover the talents of some of my students.

Ashjan Al-Hindi

Nawal Alzahrani

Asma Alharthi

Nada Al-Twirqi
Inspired by "How do I love thee?"

Areej AlZahrani

Death Be Not Proud

Maram Al-Zebaidi



 Ghaida'a Al-lehyani


Here is the full story
A  Miserable father

Budoor Al-Malki

"To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time"

Many thanks to you ;)

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

She walks in Beauty like the Night

She walks in Beauty like the Night

She walks in Beauty like the Night by pretty-academia

She Walks in Beauty

By Lord Byron (George Gordon)
She walks in beauty, like the night
   Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that’s best of dark and bright
   Meet in her aspect and her eyes;
Thus mellowed to that tender light
   Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,
   Had half impaired the nameless grace
Which waves in every raven tress,
   Or softly lightens o’er her face;
Where thoughts serenely sweet express,
   How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and o’er that brow,
   So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,
The smiles that win, the tints that glow,
   But tell of days in goodness spent,
A mind at peace with all below,
   A heart whose love is innocent!
This is an eternal  poem that many fell in love with over the years...
As I taught it to my students this term (2nd Term-1434H/ 2013), I was able to experience first hand the beauty of it and how students loved and appreciated it. 
 Here is my own personal Polyvore design inspired by the poem. I hope you'd like it.

Saturday, 25 May 2013

To my's all about energy ;)

Here are some quotes that students should understand and keep to heart ;)

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It just changes shape.

 Sheri Reynolds quotes 
So whatever energy you invest in something, such as a certain course, you'd get that energy back in a another form which is good marks and success& the opposite is totally true ;)
That is when you put no real energy in something -a course- you would  get the same amount and level of energy that you invested ;)

Thursday, 7 March 2013

~*~ In a Poetry Class ~*~

~*~ In a Poetry Class ~*~

In  a poetry class,
you learn how to dance
between a line or two
how to dive in a sea
that could or not be true!!

You learn
how to say
enchanted words
& rhythms
that could take your breath away!

You learn
to dare
to be fully there
of the distance
the resistance
of a line
of a word
of a thought sublime
that would not surrender
unless you have the power
and the key
to unlock
its inner mystery!

A poem is
A love affair
tempting you to be fully there
cross the sea
to really see
the gems hiding within
the world twirling wherein!
and you have to be
brave and free...
with a heart and mind
that can never be blind
but strong enough
to crawl - if it must-the mile
then finally
enjoy the coveted-reward with a smile :)

(Inspired by teaching poetry classes ;))
All Rights Reserved @Nisreen 

Friday, 22 February 2013

Would you try any of these??

I got this through someone...Amazing!!
Amazing and soooo unbelievable what the human mind is capable of!

Watch this and then let me know if you would ever try such rides!!??

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Choosing Hope inspired by dear Dr.H

~*~ Choosing Hope ~*~

I choose hope
No matter how thin it could be
I will not be drown in the sea
But would fight the waves
And ride the one
That would rescue me!

I choose to be
All that of me
Not the half being
That you want me to be!!

I choose the silver lining
In the midst of the dark cloudy
I have my way
And you…
Would always be left
With thousand words
To say
But none..
Would eventually matter any way!

I choose to fight
stand right
not to allow your blight
to kill my light!

I choose to see
the positivity within me
not to bend down
but wear my faith a crown
and a day would come
when you would see
that your obstacles
were nothing to me…

I choose to be strong
correct your wrong
walk my way headstrong
always singing my song
not minding you
never feeling blue…
as things would come true…

All Rights Reserved @Nisreen

The first part was written on (28th August 2009/ 7-8-1430) 
and the 2nd part -inspired by Dr.H - (15th January 2013/ 3-3-1434)

Have a great week ;)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

World Nutella day ..5th Februray.

We had a Dream. And a Spoon.

Nutella Lovers Unite for Just One Day – Nutella Day!

Nutella lovers all over the world, today is World Nutella Day ;)

Who started the "World Nutella Day?"

Nutella is more than just a “chocolaty hazelnut spread,” it is a way of life.
From childhood memories to oozing hot crepes, from breakfasts on vacation to free-spooning sessions on the couch, Nutella is prominent in the memories of many children and grown-up children in the world.
In 2007 we gave Nutella its own holiday, and this year we’re continuing the tradition.
Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso solemnly declare February 5th “World Nutella Day 2013″ – a day to celebrate, to get creative with, and most importantly, to EAT Nutella.


Celebrate it ;)
To all of the Nutella Lovers who read this post...Let's celebrate it by posting pics of your Nutella. I have posted my own in this post, let me see yours ;)


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

We are on Instagram ;)

Finally, this blog is on instagram...I thought it would be a quick nice way to post daily academic stuff and pics ;) SO follow us and like our pics ...

A Special Thank You-Post ;)

During the first semester of this year 1433/34 ( 2012/2013), I had both the pleasure and -honestly-the displeasure of teaching lots of subjects and many groups.In this post I will not dwell on the disappointments I had  but rather I'd focus on the positive aspects.

It was a pleasure to teach the subject: Writing III for group2. They turned out to be such wonderful group of smart, creative, hard-working students. And here I'm happy to share some of the creative projects that they presented during the term.

1- Collage story (I've learned this technique in the creative workshop that I attended at college. It was given by Dr.Afraa)
Students were asked to bring to class: 10 pictures + 10 small items + coloring pencils + markers + scissors & glue.
When I came, I divided them to groups then gave each group a large paper sheet and asked them to use their items to create a collage story that they have to write into a paragraph.
The following are photos of their produce collage stories:

Our Home

 A summer Vacation

Open the window ;)

A Fashion Princess 

2- Your dream business project
This project was a surprise. The idea was actually improvised and students loved it the moment I suggested it.
In groups, they had to create a business plan for a project that they dream of establishing. The time limit was a week but then they asked to be given another week so they'd prepare themselves better. A one more week was given with the condition that they have to impress me with their presentations and work. And impress me they did!
It was wonderful to sit and watch these creative smart ladies present their projects and explain their business strategies and plans. Some of my colleagues attended that class with me and loved what my students did.

Here are some photos of some of the projects that they presented.

1- A project of a huge fun fair land similar to that of Disney's but it includes facilities such as hospitals, saloons and spas. They choose a Hello Kitty theme for their presentation demonstrating that the theme of their proposed project would change each year. It would be such a versatile attractive project that visitors would like to visit each year.

2-A cafe that would combine our old and almost forgotten heritage with today's unto date tastes.

3- A female city in which only women would be allowed to enter.

4-An online based accessories business

5- A photography studio and institution that trains amateurs  to become professionals in the field of photography.

All in all, many thanks for the ladies of this special group (Group2-writingIII) for their positive smart sparks and creativity. I enjoyed teaching you pretty ladies.

Your Instructor, 
Nisreen Y.


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