Friday, 22 February 2013

Would you try any of these??

I got this through someone...Amazing!!
Amazing and soooo unbelievable what the human mind is capable of!

Watch this and then let me know if you would ever try such rides!!??

Saturday, 9 February 2013

Choosing Hope inspired by dear Dr.H

~*~ Choosing Hope ~*~

I choose hope
No matter how thin it could be
I will not be drown in the sea
But would fight the waves
And ride the one
That would rescue me!

I choose to be
All that of me
Not the half being
That you want me to be!!

I choose the silver lining
In the midst of the dark cloudy
I have my way
And you…
Would always be left
With thousand words
To say
But none..
Would eventually matter any way!

I choose to fight
stand right
not to allow your blight
to kill my light!

I choose to see
the positivity within me
not to bend down
but wear my faith a crown
and a day would come
when you would see
that your obstacles
were nothing to me…

I choose to be strong
correct your wrong
walk my way headstrong
always singing my song
not minding you
never feeling blue…
as things would come true…

All Rights Reserved @Nisreen

The first part was written on (28th August 2009/ 7-8-1430) 
and the 2nd part -inspired by Dr.H - (15th January 2013/ 3-3-1434)

Have a great week ;)

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

World Nutella day ..5th Februray.

We had a Dream. And a Spoon.

Nutella Lovers Unite for Just One Day – Nutella Day!

Nutella lovers all over the world, today is World Nutella Day ;)

Who started the "World Nutella Day?"

Nutella is more than just a “chocolaty hazelnut spread,” it is a way of life.
From childhood memories to oozing hot crepes, from breakfasts on vacation to free-spooning sessions on the couch, Nutella is prominent in the memories of many children and grown-up children in the world.
In 2007 we gave Nutella its own holiday, and this year we’re continuing the tradition.
Sara from Ms. Adventures in Italy and Michelle from Bleeding Espresso solemnly declare February 5th “World Nutella Day 2013″ – a day to celebrate, to get creative with, and most importantly, to EAT Nutella.


Celebrate it ;)
To all of the Nutella Lovers who read this post...Let's celebrate it by posting pics of your Nutella. I have posted my own in this post, let me see yours ;)



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