Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Knowledge is a gift

Knowledge is a gift. 
And it is wonderful when shared ;)
It is an everlasting gift when appreciated and used properly. When someone gives you such a gift ( for example, giving you pieces of some enlightening advice or useful information that helps you in your life), you can use it over and over, unwrapping it again and again. It never really ends or runs out. It is eternal and priceless. 
The thing about knowledge is that at times it is given unintentionally without prior planning or meditation that it's honesty and purity shine and can touch you deeply. Knowledge is also sometimes absorbed without your permission or conscious planning. 

Over the years, I have been blessed with knowledge bestowed upon me from different people. Among these people are certainly my teachers, professors, trainers, colleagues, superiors and even my students. I am eternally grateful for their everlasting gifts that certainly left their imprints on me and on my life in one way or another.

Today, as an academic -realizing the hidden and obvious gifts of knowledge- I try my best to be generous and honest with this gift.  Knowledge at times seem more like bundles of sunshine that could shed light on some obscure areas or minds. I try to share it and motivate my students to make the best use of it. 


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